
正义、多样性和性别研究 (JDG) is an interdisciplinary program that both challenges systems of injustice and celebrates contributions from a diversity of perspectives. 的 JDG program teaches students to analyze intersecting oppressions to develop skills of 宣传 and social action to become change makers, 具备在多样化中茁壮成长的能力, 开放和尊重的跨文化环境. Students develop skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking. JDG graduates are creative problem solvers and leaders who can mobilize people for common action in organizations, 机构, 和正规买球平台有哪些. 该项目提供两个专业, one in 性别、性与正义, 另一个是多样性和正义.

我们的毕业生工作 在儿童虐待委员会工作, 下一代气候爱荷华州, SafePath幸存者资源(家庭资源的一部分), 还有很多其他的.


  • 激励和支持学习正规买球平台有哪些
  • 以服务和社会正义为重点的教育
  • 成为变革的代言人




你所受的教育远远不只是认识不公. 你会采取行动阻止它. 有支持和鼓励的教师, you and your peers will work tirelessly to solve problems affecting people here and now. 通过教育和参与获得力量, our 正义、多样性和性别研究 alumni confidently step into careers and graduate studies.



正义, 多样性, 性别研究专业的学生一般都是积极分子, 驱动, 开放的, 富有同情心的, 女权主义者, 正规买球平台有哪些组织者, 和倡导者.

通过可以买滚球的正规平台, 服务, 宣传, 密切的教师指导, 你会发现你在促进正义和人权方面的能力.

You will develop 性别 sensitive solutions to human rights problems by participating in internships and 服务 projects to raise awareness about injustices and to create positive changes our community and our world.

这个专业涉及其他几个学科, 所以JDG的课程满足了许多通识教育的要求. 而且,你的技能是有价值的. More than 95% of our alumni work in their field of choice or attend graduate school.

正义、多样性和性别研究 gives you a framework for supporting human rights and social justice 宣传. 类似地, 社会工作学士 at SAU专注于为客户赋权, 家庭, 正规买球平台有哪些, 组织成为世界变革的推动者. Elevate your skills and extend your education in our dual degree program: you can graduate in four years with a degree in 正义, 多样性, 性别研究和社会工作学位.

If you plan to pursue graduate studies, your BSW could lead to advanced standing in our accredited 垃圾项目, which means you could earn your graduate degree in one year, instead of two. 它使你的教育更快,更实惠.


我们在校园和正规买球平台有哪些都很活跃. 正义, 多样性, 和性别研究的学生组织关于创伤知情护理的活动, 亲密伴侣暴力, 性侵犯, LGBTQIA, 身体形象, 还有饮食失调. We promote diversity during Multicultural Week and write letters for the UN Day of Peace 和正义.

We get involved and educate others by attending national conferences such as the prestigious N.E.W. 爱荷华州领导人研讨会,教妇女如何竞选公职. 我们带来了来自世界各地的表演者和演讲者——包括伊朗, 萨尔瓦多共和国, 俄罗斯, 以及南非的校园. 通过一年一度的可以买滚球的正规平台为社会正义工作会议, our students meet internationally recognized leader such as Native American activist Winona LaDuke, 平等司法倡议的创始人布莱恩·史蒂文森说作者 无邓恩诺贝尔和平奖得主Leymah Gbowee 在年度 可以买滚球的正规平台为社会正义工作会议

我们实习和服务. 与该领域的专家进行一对一的交流. Advocate for survivors of violence at Family Resources; educate pregnant mothers about prenatal care at Edgerton Women's Health Center; listen to the stories of survivors at Winnie's Place shelter; work with students at Annie Wittenmyer School; develop a fitness plan for clients at the Center For Active Seniors (CASI); and be a force in the life of a homeless youth at 的 Place2B.

我们把你们聚集在一起. If you want to spend time with like minds, join Triota, the Women's Studies Honor Society. 或者,加入PRISM,安全区,绿点,或加入我们的 成为改变学习正规买球平台有哪些 as a first-year student and make an immediate impact on the lives of others.

我们提供 和平队预备, a program that can make you a stronger candidate for volunteer positions within the 和平队 or other 服务 programs. 大多数学生可以获得证书-颁发的 和平队 -不需要额外的课程.

15岁的奥利维亚·布拉特在SAU很活跃. 读读这个关于她的经历和成就的故事.

凯莉·兰道96年和02年的MCJ采访了圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台学生探讨性别和妇女问题的主题, 以及从事刑事司法领域的职业. A special agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation in south suburban Chicago, Landau has spent a large part of her working life battling the growing epidemic of human sex trafficking.

Click here to read how first-year WGS (which is now called JDG) students made an impact on the lives of others. 


This major can prepare you for careers in 宣传, social 服务s, community education, more. Some of our graduates work with immigrants and violence survivors through AmeriCorps, 在和平队服役, 在联邦科技部门工作, 他们是公立学校的教育工作者.

我们的毕业生还获得了著名的奖学金, 奖学金, 就读于位于圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学顶尖研究生课程. 圣路易斯,德保罗大学和圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台职业治疗博士项目. More than 95% of our recent graduates are employed or have been admitted to graduate school.

  • 猫罗斯'15配对她的WGS(现在JDG)学位与生物学辅修. She is a Doula 首页 访问or 在儿童虐待委员会工作 and provides traditional labor support to clients at the hospital and prenatal and postnatal home visits.
  • 两个大学毕业生, 伯纳黛特·穆洛斯基和杰西卡·佩拉, 在美国军团服役, supporting social justice for immigrants and survivors of violence in the U.S.
  • 12岁的艾米丽·布洛克在马里兰州的联邦政府工作.
  • Kyla Hadenfeldt '12 is a Support Services 的rapist at Safe Connections in St. 路易斯,莫.

莉莎维. 鲍威尔,博士,教授,主任

布雷特Billman,博士,助理. 教授
莎拉·丹尼斯,博士,助理. 教授
莎拉Eikleberry,博士,副教授. 教授
玛丽安芬,博士,副教授. 教授
朱莉·詹克斯·凯特曼,博士,副教授. 教授
艾米丽Kingery,博士,副教授. 教授
布列塔尼Tullis,博士,副教授. 教授



司法未成年人, 多样性, 性别研究总共需要16个学分, 包括JDG 201, 张东健325, JDG 400-WI和6个额外的JDG或附属学分.



该项目提供两个专业, one in 性别、性与正义, 另一个是多样性和正义.


浓度 性别、性与正义 offers students a breadth of knowledge around the socio-cultural formation of 性别 and expectations of sexuality, 这些想法是如何在特定的背景下发展起来的, 以及他们是如何被制度化的. Students will consider how conformity to these expectations are enforced and how this impedes human flourishing. 学生们将学习围绕性的解放运动, 性别, 和性, investigate ways to advance justice for those marginalized based on these identities.


集中于多样性和公正 offers students a breadth of knowledge around the impact of public policies and social perception of human difference as it relates to access, 特权, 和地位. Students will study the contributions of 正规买球平台有哪些 historically marginalized based on race, 种族, 残疾, 和性, the ways 正规买球平台有哪些 have organized and advocated for social change to promote the full flourishing of all people.


在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台,米卡发现了她对社会正义的强烈热情. She hosted events to support victims of domestic violence and 性侵犯, 以及促进自信和自我实现的项目. 尽管如此, 还有更多, she was awarded the Undergraduate Social Action Award from the Sociologists for Women in Society. SAU’s commitment to diversity and inclusion enhanced her own sense of empowerment, Mikka said. “St. 可以买滚球的正规平台和对我们项目的支持是惊人的.”

香农Werhane移动爆头照 香农Werhane的大头照



香农所受的教育远不止书本上的知识. It was about personal discovery, finding her niche, how she can have the biggest impact. 在我们的城市生活垃圾项目中, you can learn how to empower people to improve their lives through their strengths and how to spark stronger 正规买球平台有哪些. 这也是一种可以对个人产生深远影响的教育. 香农称之为“永恒的乐观主义”."


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